Schljakov R.N.1 1998. On the Lophozia groenlandica (Nees) Macoun (Hepaticae) // Arctoa. Vol.7: 191–196 [in English].

1 Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Popov str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia

KEYWORDS: Lophozia groenlandica, typification, nomenclature, taxonomy, bryophytes, liverworts.

ABSTRACT. Damsholt's (1994) conclusion on the identity of hepatic species Lophozia grooenlandica (Nees) Macoun with L. wenzelii (Nees) Steph. is discussed. It is considered to be erroneous. Lophozia confertifolia Schiffn. is a synonym of L. groenlandica. Included also a discussion on the differences between L. groenlandica and L. ventricosa (Dicks.) Dum.


doi: 10.15298/arctoa.07.16

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