Dyachenko A.P.1, Morozova L.M.2, Stepanova A.V.2, Magomedova M.A.2 1999. [Contribution to the moss flora of the Yamal Peninsula (Siberian Arctic)] // Arctoa. Vol.8: 73–78 [in Russian, with English summary].

1 Geographic-Biological Faculty, Urals’s State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, GSP-135, 620219, Russia

2 Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, 8 Marta, 202, Ekaterinburg 620144 Russia

KEYWORDS: bryophytes, new records, Yamal, Siberian Arctic.

ABSTRACT. Mosses are studied in the course of geobotanic studies in two localities in western coast of Yamal Peninsula: (1) Kharasavay village (71° 14'N – 67°E) and its surroundings within 15 km and (2) watershed of Kharasaway and Tiuteiyaha Rivers (70° 38'N – 70° 12'E). Natural, anthropogenically disturbed (at various degrees), as well as past-anthropogenous phytocenoses were studied in the former, only natural in the latter. 78 species and 3 varieties of mosses were revealed; 6 species and 1 variation are first records for this territory: Polytrichum alpinum Hedw. var. fragile (Bryhn) Nyh., Funaria arctica (Berggr.) Kindb., Racomitrium canescens (Hedw.) Brid., Bryum arcticum (R. Br.) B., S. et G., B. creberrimum Tayl.; B. labradorense Philib.; B. purpurascens (R. Br.) B., S. et G.


doi: 10.15298/arctoa.08.11

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