Czernyadjeva I.V.1 2004. Anacamptodon kamchaticus, a new species of Amblystegiaceae (Musci) from Far East // Arctoa. Vol. 13: 5–8 [in English].

1 Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Popov str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia

KEYWORDS: Anacamptodon kamchaticus, new species, mosses, bryophytes, taxonomy, Russia, Kamchatka

ABSTRACT. Anacamptodon kamchaticus sp. nov. is described from two localities in the Far East: the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island. A description, illustrations, and diagnostic characters are provided and the differentiation from the other species of Anacamptodon is discussed.


doi 10.15298/arctoa.13.02

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