Akatova T.V.1, Kharzinov Z.Kh.2, Ignatova E.A.3, Ignatov M.S.4 2004. On three rare species of Orthotrichum (Orthotrichaceae, Musci) in Caucasus // Arctoa. Vol. 13: 41–50 [in English].

1 Maikop Branch of Caucasian Nature Biosphere Reserve, Sovetskaya str., 187, Maikop, Adygea Republic, 385000 Russia; e-mail: hookeria@mail.ru

2 Botany Dept., Biological Faculty, Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Chernyshevskogo, 173, Nalchik 360004 Russia

3 Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119234 Russia

4 Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya 4, Moscow 127276 Russia

KEYWORDS: new records, phytogeography, disjunction, rare species, Orthotrichum callistomum, Orthotrichum vladikavkanum, Orthotrichum sordidum, Caucasus, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygeya

ABSTRACT. Three rare Orthotrichum species, O. callistomum Fischer-Ooster ex Bruch, O. vladikavkanum Vent. and O. sordidum Sull. et Lesq.,  are documented with recent collections from the Russian Caucasus Mountains. Orthotrichum callistomum is a highly disjunct species, previously known from SE Asia (from Taiwan to Eastern Himalayas) and a single site in Switzerland (from 1849); O. vladikavkanum was described from Ossetiya in 1887, but was never recorded in Caucasus during XX century. Ortothichum sordidum also was found 1887, and only recently recorded again.


doi 10.15298/arctoa.13.06

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