Fedosov V.E.1, Popov S.Yu.1 2004 Bryophyte flora of Kostromskaya Taiga Station (European Russia, Kostroma Province) // Arctoa. Vol. 13: 183–195 [in Russian].

1 Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119234 Russia

2 Kerzhenskiy State Reserve, Kostina str. 2, 154, Nizhnij Novgorod 603124 Russia

KEYWORDS: check-list, bryophytes, Kostroma biological station, biodiversity, phytogeography

ABSTRACT. Kostromskaya taiga station is situated in the Central part of European Russia, in the western part of Priunzhenskaya Lowland, 58° 14’ N; 44° 25’ E, 70–170m. alt. This territory includes about 250 km2. We found the bryophyte flora consists  of 167 species and 3 varietis of mosses, 22 of them – sphagna species. An annotated list includes species frequency (com-fr-sp-rar-un), and habitat characteristics. Bryhnia scabrida is reported for European Russia for a second time. A comparison with some bryophyte floras of state reserves of Central European Russia is provided.


doi 10.15298/arctoa.13.14

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