Czernyadjeva I.V.1 2005. A check-list of the mosses of Kamchatka Peninsula (Far East) // Arctoa. Vol. 14: 13–34 [in English].

1 Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Popov str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia

KEYWORDS: check-list, bryophytes, Kamchatka, biodiversity, phytogeography

ABSTRACT. Results of study of moss flora of Kamchatka Peninsula (Russian Far East) is presented. The list includes 439 species and 12 varieties of mosses. Annotations include localities and reference for each species. The history of bryological exploration and bibliography on bryophyte studies of Kamchatka Peninsula is given.


doi 10.15298/arctoa.14.02

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