Drugova T.P.1 2007. Mosses of Kandalaksha City (Murmansk Province, North-West Russia) // Arctoa. Vol. 16: 145–152 [in English].

1 Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, Kola Sci. Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Kirovsk-6, Murmansk Province 184256 Russia; e-mail: darktanya@mail.ru

KEYWORDS: check-list, Kandalaksha City, bryophytes, urban flora, Kola Peninsula

ABSTRACT. A catalogue of 128 mosses revealed in Kandalaksha City is provided, with the annotations of their frequency, habitats and distribution in different zones of the city. Diversity for each city zone, including specific species, common species and mosses well tolerated to anthropogenic habitats, are discussed. Nine species found in the city are rare for the Murmansk Province.


doi 10.15298/arctoa.16.14

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