Maslova S.P.1, Dalke I.V.1, Plusnina S.N.1, Brosova K.Yu.1  2015. Structure and functional properties of the orthotropic and the plagiotropic shoots of Climacium dendroides and Polytrichum commune (Bryophyta) // Arctoa. Vol. 24(2): 452-458 [in English].

1 Federal State Budget Organization of Science Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division RAS, 167982 Syktyvkar, Komi Republic167982  Russia – Россия 167982, Сыктывкар, ФГБУН Институт биологии, Коми научного центра Уральского отделения РАН; e-mail:

Keywords: Polytrichum commune, Climacium dendroides, orthotropic and plagiotropic shoots, productivity, nonstructural carbohydrates, respiration rate, photosynthesis, water use efficiency

Abstract. The structure, functional properties and productivity of two moss species, Polytrichum commune and Climacium dendroides, forming the plagiotropic rhizomatous shoots were studied in the middle taiga subzone. Mosses accumulated 30-100 g DW / m2; plagiotropic shoots constituted 40-50% of the total biomass. The differences between the orthotropic (assimilating) and the plagiotropic (heterotrophic) shoots of C. dendroides are stronger than those in P. commune. Plagiotropic rhizomatous shoots of C. dendroides differ from its orthotropic assimilating shoots in more cell layers in stem epidermis, thicker inner cortex, low respiration rates (0.1-0.2 mg СО2 / g DW h), accumulation of oligosaccharides (50% of the total carbohydrates). The differences in these parameters in Polytrichum are not observed or minimal. Relationships of the respiration rate and the water balance of the studied species with their shoot morphology were shown. P. commune is characterized by higher rates of net photosynthesis, higher ratio of net photosynthesis to water evaporation, higher accumulation of dry mass and assimilating surface area as compared to C. dendroides.

doi: 10.15298/arctoa.24.36

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