Popov S.Yu.2018. Distribution patterns of Sphagnum sect. Acutifolia species in the Eastern European Plain and Eastern Fennoscandia // Arctoa. Vol. 27: 34–48 [in English].

1 –Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Leninskie Gory, 1, 12, Moscow 119234 Russia; e-mail: s_yu_popov@rambler.ru

KEYWORDS: biogeography, ecology, ARCGIS, BIOCLIM

ABSTRACT. Distribution of 11 species of Sphagnum from section Acutifolia in the East European Plain and Eastern Fennoscandia (EEPEF) is analysed. Area of each species was compiled using geostatistics methods. Within the range of each species, the abundance zones determined on a six-point scale are shown. Patterns of species distribution, depending on changes in climatic factors, were revealed with using the methods of multivariative analysis. A map of species richness for the studied territory is drawn up and regularities of changes in the number of growing species are determined, in connection with the change in climatic parameters. Eleven species of the section Acutifolia are divided in two groups by their distribution pattern. First group contains such species as S. girgensohnii, S. russowii, S. capillifolium, S. warnstorfii, S. fuscum, S. rubellum, and S. fimbriatum, widespread in EEPEF. They grow in all vegetation zones (except desert and semidesert zones) and have maximal abundance in the west of the territory, in boreal and hemiboreal zones. Second group includes S. quinquefarium, S. subnitens, S. subfulvum, and S. molle, the rarest species in EEPEF. These species are distributed in boreal and hemiboreal zones only around the Baltic Sea and have low abundance elsewhere. High moisture is nessesary for high species abundance. For the group of widespread species, values of precipitation amount must be not less than 600 mm per year and relative humidity – not less than 60% durining growing season through the zones of climatic optimum. In the zones of climatic pessimum it might be various, but not less than 450 mm and 50% respectively. For the group of rare species, annual precipitation must be not less then 600 mm and relative humidity during growing season – not less 70% through the whole range. In addition to the climatic factors, distribution of rare species is probably associated with areas of maximal distribution of peatlands and presence of glacial forms of relief within the zone of maximal spread of the Last Glaciation. In these regions maximal species diversity is also observed.

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doi 10.15298/arctoa.27.04