Yücel E.1, Ezer T.2 2018. The bryophyte flora of Eskisehir ProvInce (Turkey) // Arctoa. Vol. 27: 164–171 [in English].
1 – Eskişehir Technical University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Eskişehir, Turkey, ebitki@gmail.com
2 – Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, 51100 Niğde, Turkey, tuezer@gmail.com; tezer@ohu.edu.tr
KEYWORDS: Moss, Liverwort, Flora, Eskişehir, Turkey
ABSTRACT. In this study, the bryophyte flora of Eskişehir province (Turkey) were investigated. The field trips were conducted between 1986 and 1992. The 730 bryophyte specimens, collected from 53 different localities in Eskişehir province, were identified. As a result of the identification of the specimens, total 150 taxa (142 mosses, 8 liverworts) belonging to 29 families and 69 genera were determined. No hornworts were found in the study area. Among them, 68 are new records for B7 grid-square in the system adopted by Henderson for Turkey, 99 are new to Eskişehir province. The richest two families in the floristic list are Pottiaceae (36 taxa) and Brachytheciaceae (21 taxa). While the largest genus is Ptychostomum with 9 taxa, Orthotrichum and Syntrichia are represented by 8 taxa in the bryoflora of Eskişehir. Homalothecium lutescens and Syntrichia ruralis are the most common species in Eskişehir province.
Doi 10.15298/arctoa.27.16