Konstantinova N.A.1, Vilnet A.A.1, Lapshina E.D.2  2019. New records of Scapania sphaerifera H.Buch et Tuom. in Europe with description of global distribution and ecology of the species // Arctoa. Vol. 28: 203–209 [in English].

1 – Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of the Kola Science Center of RAS, Kirovsk, Murmansk Province, 184256, Russia; e-mails: nadya50@list.ru; anya_v@list.ru

2 – Yugra State University, 16 Chekhov St., Khanty-Mansiysk, 628012 Russia; e-mail: e_lapshina@ugrasu.ru

KEYWORDS: Scapania, liverworts, Russia, rare species

ABSTRACT. Scapania sphaerifera known in Europe only from the type specimen collected 85 years ago, has been found in three sites in the Urals including its European part. The taxonomic position and differences from morphologically similar species are discussed, and the distribution and ecology are significantly reevaluated.

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doi 10.15298/arctoa.28.17