Kolesova N.S. 2017. [Fauna and population of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Bombus) of National park “Russkii Sever” in Vologodskaya Oblast of Russia] // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.16. No.6: 513–523 [in Russian, with English summary].
Vologda State University, Lenina Str. 15, Vologda 160000 Russia.
E-mail: nbalukova@yandex.ru
doi: 10.15298/euroasentj.16.6.02
ABSTRACT. Results of the analysis of the population of bumblebees of the ‘Russkii Sever’ National Park are presented. Of the 30 species (90.9% of the bumblebee fauna of Vologodskaya Oblast) recorded, five Bombus species, B. barbutellus, B. consobrinus, B. deuteronymus, B. sporadicus and B. sylvarum have the "infrequent" Red List status of Vologodskaya Oblast, and five species B. jonellus, B. muscorum, B. patagiatus, B. schrencki and B. sichelii, require monitoring at the local level, and three species, B. deuteronymus, B. schrencki and B. sporadicus require environmental monitoring at the Russian Federation level. The structure of the studied fauna of bumblebees can be characterized as boreal. The characteristics of the bumblebee populations of the Park, four landscapes and 17 local faunae, are provided. Dominant, numerous and common species make up 77% of the fauna and 98.2% of the population indicative of stable conditions.
KEY WORDS: bumblebees, fauna, population, taiga ecosystems, monitoring, protected areas, Vologodskaya Oblast’.