Kuzhuget S.V., Vinokurov N.N. 2018. [Types of areals of Heteroptera from Tuva, Russia] // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.17. No.2: 103–109 [in Russian, with English summary].
Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 117а Internatsionalnaya Str., Kyzyl 667007 Russia.
Institute for the Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS, Lenina Ave. 41, Yakutsk 677980 Russia.
E-mail: sedenmaa@mail.ru; vinok@ibpc.ysn.ru.
doi: 10.15298/euroasentj.17.2.05
ABSTRACT. The Heteropteran fauna of Tuva includes 388 species from 21 families and is characterized by 36 types of distribution, forming 22 groups and 3 supergroups with a predominance of the North-Setian, Transpalearctic, Holarctic and Pancontinental areals. Altai-Sayan and Mongolian endemic species and one subendemic species have been identified. The types of areals are identified according to the zone-sector and provincial principles developed by A.F. Emelianov.
KEY WORDS: Siberia, Tuva, fauna, area, terrestrial heteropteran, endemics.