Lopatina S.V.1,2, Kalikova Sh.M.2, Lukyantsev S.V.2 2023. [First record of seed beetle Bruchidius terrenus (Sharp, 1886) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) from Uzbekistan] // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.23. No.4: 234–236 [in Russian, with English summary].

1 Tomsk Branch of All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center (VNIIKR), Frunze Ave. 109A, Tomsk 634021 Russia. E-mail: lopatina.sof@mail.ru

2 Tomsk State University, Department of Agricultural Biology, Lenina Ave. 36, Tomsk 634050 Russia. E-mail: agronomia@mail.tsu.ru

doi 10.15298/euroasentj.22.04.09

ABSTRACT. A seed beetle Bruchidius terrenus (Sharp, 1886) was bred from Albizia julibrissin Durazz pods (Fabaceae) and registered for the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first time. Initially, Albizia Durazz., 1772 trees haven been planted along the streets of Tashkent in 2019. The level of seed damage was 63 %, emergence of adults was recorded from the end of August till beginning of September.

KEY WORDS: First record, Bruchidius terrenus, Albizia julibrissin, Uzbekistan.

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