Savitsky V.Yu. 2011. [Fauna, structure of communities and features of separation of ecological niches of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in the environs of the lake Baskunchak] // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.19 (for 2010). No.4: 267–304 [in Russian, with English summary].
Moscow State University, Biology Faculty, Department of Entomology, Moscow 119992, Russia.
Key words: grasshoppers, Orthoptera, Acridoidea, semi-desert, structure of communities, ecological niches, acoustic signals.
Abstract: 50 grasshopper species were showed for environs of the lake Baskunchak. Features of their phenology and biotopical preference were investigated. Structure of grasshopper communities in common types of biotopes and features of separation of ecological niches of grasshoppers are discussed. It is shown that species inhabiting the same biotope could have strong overlap of food and microhabitat niches, but they have different acoustic niches. In some cases, interspecific competition for the acoustic dimension is important factor limiting biotopical distribution of grasshoppers.