Matalin A.V. 2014. Remarks about the taxonomy of some Palaearctic tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.23. No.4: 293–304 [in English].

Moscow State Pedagogical University, Department of Zoology & Ecology, Kibalchicha str. 6, build. 5, Moscow 129164, Russia. E-mail:

KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Cicindelidae, tiger beetles, new synonyms, available name, unavailable name, unavailable nomenclature act, valid name, invalid name, new rank, new records.

ABSTRACT. The taxonomy status of some Palaearctic tiger beetles is discussed. The trinomen Cylindera (s. str.) germanica michaelensis Werner, 1992 is an available name, whereas the trinomen Cicindela silvatica rubescens Jeanne, 1976 is an unavailable name. The synonymy established by Jeanne [1988: 7]: Cicindela silvatica reiseri Mandl, 1970 and Cicindela silvatica rubescens Jeanne, 1976 is an unavailable nomenclature act. Three new synonyms: Cicindela (s. str.) hybrida kozhantshikovi Lutshnik, 1924 = Cicindela (s. str.) kozhantshikovi vaschenkoi Danilevsky, 2001, syn.n., Cicindela (s. str.) restricta restricta Fischer von Waldheim, 1828 = Cicindela (s. str.) restricta tuvensis Danilevsky, 2001, syn.n. and Cylindera (s. str.) germanica bleusei Beuthin, 1904 = Cylindera (s. str.) germanica michaelensis Werner, 1992, syn.n. are established. In addition Neocollyris (Leptocollyris) minuta Naviaux, 1995, new rank and Therates vitalisi W. Horn, 1913, new rank are now considered as separate species. Both of them are recorded for the first time in the Lampang province of Thailand, while N. minuta is recorded for the first time from Vietnam.

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