Antonevich A.L., Naidenko S.V. 2023. Lynx s strictly seasonal breeding complex makes its reproduction different from other felids // Russian J. Theriol. Vol.22. No.2. P.162–171 [in English].

Anastasia L. Antonevich [], Sergey V. Naidenko [], Department of Behaviour and Behavioural Ecology of Mammals, A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119071, Russia.

doi: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.22.2.09

ABSTRACT. Most of the felids are tropical nonseasonal breeders, but northern species have adapted to seasonal climate by reproductive seasonality pronounced to a different degree. We review what is known about the reproductive seasonality in felids. The Lynx genus includes the most northern felids — Eurasian and Canada lynx, and also Iberian lynx, and bobcat. Specific seasonal adaptations in lynx reproduction act as a unique Strictly Seasonal Breeding Complex expressed to a different extent among lynx species. This complex includes hormonal and gonadal seasonality, monoestric cycle, and unique persistent corpora lutea. We suggest that adaptation to strictly seasonal breeding is very advantageous in a lynx environment. Still, together with other features of lynx biology, we suppose that it could act as one of the prerequisites for sibling aggression development. However, this hypothesis is preliminary and only aims to consider possible interactions of species-specific reproductive features of lynx.

KEY WORDS: lynx, reproduction, seasonality, siblicide, sibling aggression, persistent corpora lutea.

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