Logunov D.V.1, Ballarin F.2, Marusik Yu.M.3 2011. New faunistic records of the jumping and crab spiders of Karakoram, Pakistan (Aranei: Philodromidae, Salticidae and Thomisidae) // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.20. No.3: 233–240 [in English].
1 The Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. E-mail: dmitri.v.logunov@manchester.ac.uk
2 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 9 – 37129, Verona, Italy. Email: ballarin.francesco@gmail.com
3 Institute for Biological Problems of the North FEB RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 68500, Russia. E-mail: yurmar@mail.ru
doi: 10.15298/arthsel.20.3.06
KEY WORDS: Pakistan, Karakoram, spiders, Aranei, new findings.
ABSTRACT. The present work provides new faunistic data on eight spider species of the families Philodromidae, Salticidae and Thomisidae from Karakoram (Pakistan). Five species are illustrated and the females of two species (Philodromus timidus and Thanatus fornicatus) are redescribed. The distribution of all the recorded species is discussed. T. fornicatus is reported for the faunas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan for the first time.