Tanasevitch A.V.1, Khrisanova M.A.2 2016. First data on the spiders (Aranei) from the northern Gydan Peninsula, Russia // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.25. No.1: 115–118 [in English].
1 Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E-mail: tanasevitch@gmail.com
2 Volokolamsk Road, 6, Krasnogorsk 143402 Russia. E-mail: hrisanova2003@mail.ru
KEY WORDS: Spiders, Arctic, arctic tundra, typical tundra, Gydan Peninsula, NW Siberia, distribution.
ABSTRACT. Eight spider species are recorded from the arctic and typical tundras of the Gydan Peninsula, NW Siberia, Russia. These species represent the Arctic fauna and belong to two families: Linyphiidae (7 species) and Tetragnathidae (1 species). In a regional aspect, this fauna is mostly composed of Siberian and Siberian-Nearctic elements; in a zonal aspect, it is typical arctic and contains only one polyzonal species. Their distributions between the different types of landscape and vegetation communities, as well as their distribution patterns are given. All species are new to the araneofauna of the region.