Coşar İ.1, Danışman T.2, Kunt K.B.3 2022. Some new findings of the genus Zodarion (Aranei: Zodariidae) from Turkey // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.31. No.2: 228–234 [in English].
1 Kırıkkale University, Health Services Vocational School, 71451, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey. E-mail:
2 Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, 71451, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale, Turkey.
3 Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute, Taşkent, Kyrenia, Cyprus.
doi: 10.15298/arthsel. 31.2.11
ABSTRACT. A new species of Zodarion similar to Z. van Bosmans, 2009, Z. crewsae sp.n. (♂♀), from Osmaniye, Turkey is described. Zodarion spinibarbe Wunderlich, 1973 (♂) a species previously know from Cyprus found in Turkey for the first time.Three species are are illustrated and their distribution are mapped. This study increases the number of Zodarion species in Turkey to 30.
KEY WORDS: Aranei, Anatolia, morphology, new record, new species, spinibarbe group.