Dyachkov Yu.V. 2024. A review of the anthropochore centipede fauna of Middle Asia (Chilopoda) // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.33. No.2. P.171–174 [in English].

Altai State University, Lenin Avenue, 61, Barnaul 656049 Russia. E-mail: dyachkov793@mail.ru ORCID 0000-0001-9256-9306

doi: 10.15298/arthsel.33.2.03

ABSTRACT. The anthropochore centipede fauna of Middle Asia is reviewed based both on the literature and new material. The following taxa are new to the Middle Asian fauna: the genus Schendyla Bergsøe et Meinert, 1866, the species S. nemorensis (C.L. Koch, 1837), Geophilus proximus C.L. Koch, 1847, the genus Lamyctes Meinert, 1868, the species L. emarginatus (Newport, 1844). The family Schendylidae, the genus Geophilus Leach, 1814, and the species Lithobius crassipes L. Koch, 1862 are recorded from Tajikistan for the first time, the latter species being also new to the fauna of the Almaty Region of Kazakhstan; L. forficatus (Linnaeus, 1758) is new to the faunas of the Turkistan and Atyrau regions of Kazakhstan. The order Geophilomorpha is reported from the Gorno-Badakhshan Region of Tajikistan for the first time. All known records are mapped.

KEY WORDS: Geophilus proximus, Lamyctes emarginatus, Lithobius crassipes, Lithobius forficatus, Schendyla nemorensis, new records, Central Asia.

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