Snegovaya N.Yu.1, Esyunin S.L.2, Vlasov S.V.2 2024. The harvestmen fauna (Opiliones) of the Cis-Urals steppe region, Russia // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.33. No.2. P.233–239 [in English].

1 Zoological Institute, Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, passage 1128, block 504, Baku, AZ 1004 Azerbaijan

2 Perm State University, Bukireva Street 15, Perm 614600 Russia.

Nataly Snegovaya ORCID

Sergei Esyunin ORCID

Semyon Vlasov ORCID

doi: 10.15298/arthsel.33.2.09

ABSTRACT. Based on extensive fieldwork conducted in the last decade, new taxonomic and faunistic data on harvestmen from the Cis-Urals steppe zone are presented. One species, Opilio uralicus Snegovaya sp.n. (♂♀), is described as new. The two species — Odiellus lendli (Sørensen, 1894) and Oligolophus tridens (C.L. Koch, 1836) — are reported from Orenburg Area for the first time. At present, the harvestman fauna of the Urals accounts for 13 species in 3 families.

KEY WORDS: harvestmen, Opilio, new species, new records, steppe zone.

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