Vá?a J.1, Ignatov M.S.2 1995. Bryophytes of Altai Mountains. V. Preliminary list of the Altaian hepatics // Arctoa. Vol.5: 1–14 [in English].
1 Katedra botaniky, University Karlovy, Benatska 2, Praha 2, 12801 Czechia
2 Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya 4, Moscow 127276 Russia
KEYWORDS: liverworts, check-list, Altai, Russia, biodiversity, phytogeography.
ABSTRACT. The list includes 143 species of hepatics, which were revealed in ca. 1500 specimens collected in Altai mostly by Ignatov and Zolotukhin and identified mostly by Vana. Each species is annotated with the habitat preferences and the data on spatial and altitudinal distribution within the Altaian territory. Anastophyllum assimile and Lophozia cf. diversiloba reported from Russia for the first time. Lophozia murmanica and Scapania obcordata reported for the first time outside the Arctic (S. obcordata is known also from Antarctic).
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.05.01