Manakyan V.A.1 1995. [Results of bryological studies in Armenia] // Arctoa. Vol.5: 15–34 [in Russian, with English summary].
1 Department of Botany, Yerevan State University, A. Manoukyan 1, Yerevan, 375049, Armenia
KEYWORDS: bryophytes, mosses, check-list, Armenia, biodiversity, altitudinal distribution.
ABSTRACT. The history of the exploration of bryophyte flora of Armenia is described. Now in the republic are known 48 species and 1 variety of hepatics (29 genera, 20 families, 7 orders) and 347 species and 25 varieties of mosses (135 genera, 40 families, 14 orders). The distribution of all taxa is listed indicating their occurrence in 12 phytogeographic areas and in 3 altitudinal belts. In the list outlined also 108 species rare in Armenia or throughout all the Caucasus or in the whole territory of the former USSR. Brief analysis of participation of mosses in the altitudinal belts and in the different types of vegetation is given.
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.05.02