Abakarova А.S.1, Fedosov V.E.2, Doroshina G.Ya.3 2015. Mosses of Tsudakhar (Dagestan, Caucasus) // Arctoa. Vol. 24(2): 536-540 [in English].
1 Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 45 Gadgiev Street, Makhachkala, Republic Dagestan, 367000, Russia; e-mail: asya_abakarova@list.ru
2 Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991 Russia; e-mail: fedosov_v@mail.ru
3 V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute Rus. Acad. Sci., Prof. Popov Str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia; e-mail: marushka-le@mail.ru
Keywords: moss flora, Dagestan Republic, Caucasus, xeric species, Asiatic species, biogeography
Abstract. Moss flora of Tsudakhar Biological Station vicinity and State Nature Monument «Carpinus forest» in Dagestan is studied. 111 species are revealed and this rather low diversity is explained by xeric climatic conditions. At the same time, the flora includes several rare and interesting species: Indusiella thianschanica, Jaffueliobryum latifolium, Orthotrichum dagestanicum common with Middle and Central Asia. In Europe these species are restricted to the Caucasus, and Dagestan is the only place where Indusiella and Orthotrichum dagestanicum are known in Europe. Widespread tropical Pseudosymblepharis bombayensis is another rare species, which is known in Europe only in Dagestan. Lindbergia grandiretis is a species with restricted distribution in Caucasus and South Siberia.
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.24.45