Drugova T.P.1, Belkina O.A.1, Likhachev A.Yu.1 2017. Mosses of surroundings of Alakurttii settlement and Kutsa Nature Reserve (Murmansk Province, North-West Russia) // Arctoa. Vol. 26(1): 72–80 [in English].

1 Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of Kola Sci. Center of RAS, Kirovsk-6, Murmansk Province 184256 Russia; e-mails: darktanya@mail.ru, belkina_07@list.ru, likhachev12@mail.ru

KEYWORDS: southwest of Murmansk Province, mosses, check-list

ABSTRACT. The list of mosses of surroundings of Alakurtti Settlement and Kutsa Nature Reserve was compiled and contain 337 species. The list is based on identification of moss collection made in expedition in 1986 and includes also literature records and herbarium collections from KPABG. Data on habitats and substrates are provided. 37 rare in Murmansk Province mosses were found on investigated area.

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doi 10.15298/arctoa.26.07