Teleganova V.V.1 2021. Moss flora of the National Park “Smolenskoe Poozerye” (North-West Russia) // Arctoa. Vol. 30: 55–62 [in English].

1 – National Park “Ugra”, Prigorodnoe lesnichestvo, Kaluga, 248007 Russia; e-mail:

Keywords: moss flora, moss species, valuable communities, the complexes of rare species

ABSTRACT. Moss flora of “Smolenskoe Poozerye” National Park includes 171 species. The annotated list provides the data on the distribution, habitat preference of species and the location of rare species. On the territory of the national park, complexes of rare species of mosses and valuable types of their habitats are revealed.

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Doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.06