Bakalin V.A. 1, Klimova K.G. 1, Sinh Nguyen V. 2, Bakalin D.A. 3, Se Choi S. 4* 2021. Liverwort oil body diversity in Pacific Asia // Arctoa. Vol. 30: 219–346 [in English].

1 – Botanical Garden-Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makovskogo Street, 142, Vladivostok, 690024, Russia E-mails:,

2 – Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 10000, Ha Noi, Vietnam E-mail:

3 – AXiiO Oy Company, Hämeentie, 135 A, Helsinki XR CENTER 00560, Helsinki, Finland E-mail:

4 – Team of National Ecosystem Survey, National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon, South Korea. E-mail:

* – Author for correspondence

KEYWORDS: Asia, Hepaticae, liverworts, morphology, oil bodies, taxonomy

ABSTRACT. This paper summarizes data on the oil body characteristics of liverworts sampled from Pacific Asia and provides 1032 photographs of living cells in 572 species and 6 infraspecific taxa (1 subspecies and 5 varieties) collected mostly in Northeast, East and Southeast Asia. Several cases of oil body characteristic variations may imply taxonomic differences between populations from geographically remote areas that are now treated as belonging to the same taxon.

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Doi 10.15298/arctoa.30.22