Konstantinova N.A.1, Vilnet A.A.1 2022. Nardia, Gymnomitriaceae, molecular phylogeny, morphological variability // Arctoa. Vol. 31: 52–58 [in English].
1 – Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, Kola Sci. Centre, Russ. Acad. Sci., Kirovsk-6, Murmansk Province, 184256 Russia; e-mail: nadya50@list.ru; ORCID (NK): 0000-0002-7600-051; (AV): 0000-0001-7779-2593
KEYWORDS: Nardia, Gymnomitriaceae, molecular phylogeny, morphological variability
ABSTRACT. The liverwort Nardia pacifica Bakalin recently described from Kamchatka is recorded for the Caucasus and Alaska. Molecular phylogenetic estimation based on two newly sequenced and deposited in GenBank chloroplast DNA markers – trnL-F and trnG-intron – of the firstly studied type specimen of this species and specimens from these two remote areas suggested their high similarity. The description and microphotographs of male and female plants as well as sporophyte are provided here for the first time. Morphological and molecular infraspecific variabilities are discussed.
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.31.07