Potemkin A.D.1, Vilnet A.A.2, Mamontov Yu.S.2,3 2022. Gymnomitrion blankae (Marchantiophyta), a new species From Yunnan Province, China // Arctoa. Vol. 31: 111–123 [in English].

1 – Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Popov Str. 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia; e-mail: Potemkin_alexey@binran.ru, ORCID 0000-0003-4420-1704
2 – Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute of, Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kirovsk, 184256 Russia; e-mail: anya_v@list.ru; ORCID 0000-0001-7779-2593
3 – Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaja 4, Moscow, 127276 Russia; e-mail: yurmamontov@yandex.ru, ORCID 0000-0003-3851-0738


KEYWORDSApomarsupella, Gymnomitriaceae, convergence, taxonomy, integrative approach

ABSTRACTGymnomitrion blankae sp. nov. arisen from the G. revolutum collection from Yunnan Province, China, differs from European G. revolutum, described from the Tyrolean Alps, in morphology, ecology and distribution, namely in the cinnamon to rusty color (vs. fuscous, blackish or olive fuscous), leaves with sinus mostly γ-like and reflexed backwards (vs. sinus usually V- or U-like and not or slightly reflexed backwards), apiculate leaf lobes with rolled apiculi (vs. rounded to blunt and hardly apiculate lobes with not or slightly rolled apiculi), smooth leaf and stem surfaces (vs. leaf surface bearing dome-shaped projections above the cell wall intersections and stem surface ± papillose), stem with ± thinned outer walls of flattened outer cortical cells forming the indistinct hyalodermis (vs. stem with thickened outer walls of often not flattened outer cortical cells, not forming hyalodermis), occurrence on base-rich (vs. acid) rocks, the Sino-Himalayan vs. European distribution as well as in ITS2 nrDNA and trnL-F cpDNA nucleotide sequences. The DNA data obtained for specimens of G. revolutum from North and South Tyrol (Austria and Italy, respectively), and from adjacent territories of Switzerland represent the first molecular accessions for this species based on the collection from the type locality (Tyrolean Alps) and neighboring territories. Gymnomitrion revolutum from the type locality is illustrated for the first time.


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doi: 10.15298/arctoa.31.12