Tubanova D.Ya.1, Dugarova O.D.2 2022. Dicranum baicalense (Dicranaceae, Bryophyta), a new species from Russia // Arctoa. Vol. 31: 145–154 [in English].

1 – Institute of General and Experimental Biology Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sakhjanovoi St., 6, Ulan-Ude, 670047 Russia; ORCID 0000-0002-8592-7061
2 – Branch of Federal Budgetary Institution “Roslesozashchita” “Forest Protection Center of the Republic of Buryatia”, Severnaya St., 133, Ulan-Ude, 670047 Russia; ORCID 0000-0002-3558-6895


KEYWORDSBryophyta, Dicranum, ITS1-2, trnL-F, rps4, new species, Asian Russia

ABSTRACT. A morphological and molecular phylogenetic study of Dicranum with elongate, porose distal laminal cells and costae with ridges on dorsal surface (sect. Dicranum) from Asian Russia revealed an unknown species. It is described as Dicranum baicalense sp. nova. It differs from the other species of the section Dicranum by having straight, homomallous leaves with two ridges on the dorsal side of costa, long and narrow upper laminal cells, and arcuate-cylindric, smooth capsules. A comparison of the new species with the representatives of the section Dicranum is provided. Dicranum baicalense occurs in southern Siberia (Republic of Buryatia and Zabaikalsky Territory) and the southern Russian Far East (Amur Province and Primorsky Territory). Morphological distinctions and distribution of D. japonicum Mitt. in Russia are also discussed.


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doi: 10.15298/arctoa.31.16