Baiheva E.Z.1 2023. Bryophyte vegetation of Bashkiria, Ssouth Urals. IV. On the bryophyte communities in Belaya River valley, Bashkortostan // Arctoa. Vol. 32: 1–9 [in English].


1 – Ufa Institute of Biology, Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of RAS, 69 Prospekt Oktyabrya st., Ufa 450054 Russia. E-mail:; ORCID (EB): 0000-0002-0002-012X


KEYWORDS: bryophytes, bryophyte communities, syntaxonomy, the Southern Urals

ABSTRACTIn the upstream of Belaya River (Republic of Bashkortostan, South Ural region), the observing and classification of epiphytic, epixylic, and epilithic bryophyte communities were performed following the Brown-Blanquet approach. The revealed communities are presented by nine associations and one rangless community belonging to 4 classes, 5 orders and 6 alliances. The relevés and localities of associations Anomodontetum longifolii Waldheim 1944, Anomodontetum rugelii Peciar 1965, Homomallietum incurvati Philippi 1965 and Pseudoleskeelletum catenulatae Ježek & Vondráček 1962 are reported to the republic for the first time.


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doi: 10.15298/arctoa.32.01