Bakalin V.A.1, Klimova K.G.1 2023. To the knowledge of liverwort diversity in Badzhal range (Khabarovsk Territory, Russian Far East) // Arctoa. Vol. 32: 216–224 [in English].
1 – Laboratory of Cryptogamic Biota, Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, Makovskogo Street 142, Vladivostok 690024, Russia. E-mails: (author for correspondence), ORCID: (VB) 0000-0001-7897-4305; (KK) 0000-0002-3229-1880.
KEYWORDS: liverworts, Badzhal Range, amphi-Pacific Asia, distribution patterns, East Asia
ABSTRACT. Badzhal Range is the southernmost tip of the continuous mountainous landscapes stretching from Northeast Asia along the western coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. Besides, this is the southeast corner where ranges along Sea of Okhotsk contact with the great mountain systems of East Siberia. It is also the northern edge of the transitional zone between East Asian and Circumboreal Floristic Regions. The present study was carried out in the southeast part of the Badzhal Range and revealed 116 liverwort taxa (114 species and 2 varieties). The vast majority of collected taxa belong to boreal, arctic-boreal and arctic-montane floristic elements. The peculiarity of the flora reflects its latitudinal and longitudinal position and is showed by the occurrence of some predominantly East Asian taxa in the northern edges of their distribution. Five species have the northernmost worldwide localities in the range; all are broadly East Asian in distribution: Acrolejeunea sandvicensis, Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia, Pedinophyllum truncatum, Porella ulophylla and Schistochilopsis cornuta.
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.32.19