Ryabenko O.I.1,2,*, Dudov S.V.1,2, Fedosov V.E.1,3, Shkurko A.V.4, Gamova N.S.1 2024. Moss flora of the central part of Tukuringra Ridge (Amur Province) // Arctoa. Vol. 33: 184-194 [in English].
1 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Plant Ecology and Geography Dept., Leninskie Gory Str. 1–12, Moscow, 119234, Russia; ORCID (OR):0000-0002-3565-4237, (SD): 0000-0003-1512-0956, (VF): 0000-0002-5331-6346, (NG): 0000-0002-4141-757X
2 – Zeysky State Nature Reserve, Zeya, Amur Province 676246 Russia
3 – Botanical Garden-Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makovskogo Street, 142, Vladivostok, 690024, Russia
4 –Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of RAS, Moscow, Russia. ORCID: (ASh) 0000-0001-7682-9323
* – Author for correspondence: ryabenko.oi@gmail.com
KEYWORDS: Russian Far East, biodiversity, rare species, cryolithozone
ABSTRACT. The present account bases on the collection of bryophytes made in the western part of Tukuringra Ridge in Amur Province. The studied area includes vicinity of the Pravaya Tynda river valley, where the highest peak of the ridge is situated. This area was not studied for bryophytes earlier. We covered the variety of habitats presented on the territory in all-three altitudinal zones: boreal, subalpine and alpine. The list includes 133 taxa, which is much less than in the other montane areas of Amur Province and Khabarovsk Territory; the reasons why the studied local flora is so poor in number of species are discussed. Six species of mosses are recorded in Amur Province for the first time. Among them Pseudoleskeella catenulata, Sarmentypnum trichophyllum, and Schistidium agassizii are characterized by rather wide distribution ranges but sparse occurrence in southern Russian Far East. For Bucklandiella laeta, Sphagnum steerei, and Ulota cf. crispula newly revealed localities provide the range extension westward. Records of several rare species are also commented.
doi: 10.15298/arctoa.33.19