Temreshev I.I., Makezhanov A.M., Zhanseiit F.K. 2023. [Preliminary data of the entomofauna of the Taldykol lakes in Central Kazakhstan] // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.22. No.1: 48–51 [in Russian, with English summary].
“Ekoservice-S” LLP, Tole bi Str. 202a – 408, Almaty 050009 Kazakhstan. E-mail: temreshev76@mail.ru, makezhanov81@mail.ru, zhanseiit@ecoservice.kz
doi 10.15298/euroasentj.22.01.10
ABSTRACT. A preliminary data of 248 species, 202 genera, 67 families and 11 orders insects occurring around Taldykol lakes near City of Astana the capital of Kazakhstan are presented. In this territory organization of new national natural park for water-wader birds and other animals is planned. Amongst registered species one species, the dragonfly Anax imperator Leach, 1815, is included to the Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and one species, the bug Zicrona caerulea Linnaeus, 1758, is in the Red Data Book of the Almaty Oblast. Two species, the hornet Vespa crabro Linnaeus, 1758 and the walking stick Sceptrophasma bituberculatum (Redtenbacher, 1889) are recorded for Central Kazakhstan for the first time.
KEY WORDS: Insects, protected area, wetlands, study, species composition, Astana, Kazakhstan.