Barkalov A.V. 2024. Hoverflies fauna (Diptera, Syrphidae) of the north-eastern Tajikistan with description of the new species from the genus Cheilosia Meigen, 1822 // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.23. No.2: 109–113, Suppl.p.1–3 [in English].

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Frunze Str. 11, Novosibirsk 630091 Russia. E-mail:

doi 10.15298/euroasentj.23.02.07

ABSTRACT. Newly recorded hoverflies, 43 species from 24 genera, are detailed for the territory of northeastern Tajikistan. A new species, Cheilosia (Taeniochilosia) karimovi Barkalov sp.n. is described. The new species is close to Cheilosia longistyla Barkalov et Peck, 1994, from which it differs in males by the brown base of the wings and the presence of a tuft of black bristly-like pilis on the postero-dorsal corner of the anepimeron (in Ch. longistyla Barkalov et Peck the base of wings is yellow and only a few weak black pilis are present on the postero-dorsal corner of anepimeron). Besides, these species differ by the length of pilis on surstylus and especially by the structure of upper lobes of hypandrium. Females of the new species are characterized by completely black basoflagellomere of antennae, completely golden-yellow pilis on scutum, and less developed shining spot on hind part of anepimeron (in Ch. longistyla Barkalov et Peck basoflagellomere of antennae with orange spot in basal part, scutum in posterior part with admixture of black pilis and posterior part of anepimeron completely shining).

KEY WORDS: Syrphidae, new data, new species, Cheilosia, Tajikistan.

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