Zharkov D.M., Dubovikoff D.A. 2024. New eusyninclusions of ants in European Late Eocene amber in a view of palaeoecological data // Euroasian Entomological Journal. Vol.23. No.5: 247–251 [in English].
Department of Applied Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint Petersburg 199034 Russia. E-mail: d.zharkov@spbu.ru ; d.dubovikoff@spbu.ru
doi 10.15298/euroasentj.23.05.02
ABSTRACT. We report new interesting findings of ant eusyninclusions in the Late Eocene ambers of Europe (fossil taxa are marked with †). We discuss such findings as, †Prionomyrmex longiceps Mayr, 1868 with †Lasius schiefferdeckeri Mayr, 1868, †Agroecomyrmex duisburgi (Mayr, 1868) with †L. schiefferdeckeri Mayr, †Bradoponera meieri Mayr, 1868 with †Formica flori Mayr, 1868, †B. meieri Mayr with †L. schiefferdeckeri Mayr, †Gesomyrmex hoernesi Mayr, 1868 with †F. flori Mayr, †G. hoernesi Mayr with †Yantaromyrmex geinitzi (Mayr, 1868), and also finding of the four most abundant species in a small piece of Baltic amber.
KEY WORDS: Syninclusions, Late Eocene amber, Formicidae, palaeoecology, Wheeler’s dilemma.