Erofeeva M.N., Pavlova E.V., Antonevich A.L., Naidenko S.V. 2014. Seasonal chenges in activity of males’ reproductive system in Eurasian lynx // Russian J. Theriol. Vol.13. No.1: 9–16 [in English].

Mariya N. Erofeeva [], Ekaterina V. Pavlova [], Anastasiya L. Antonevich [], Sergey V. Naidenko [] A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 33, Moscow, 119071 Russia.

ABSTRACT. Eurasian lynx is strongly seasonal in its reproduction. This seasonality in reproduction becomes apparent in spatial population structure and behavior of lynx males during the year. However it was not clear how are these changes correlated with physiological changes at the individual level. In this article we studied the changes in sperm quality and testosterone level in Eurasian lynx males over the year. It was shown that activity of reproductive system in Eurasian lynx males changed seasonally as well. Testosterone level increased in advance of the mating season and spermatogenesis “normalized” at the same period.

KEY WORDS: Eurasian lynx, seasonality, sperm quality, testosterone, reproductive biology.

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