Klementiev A.M., Sizov A.V. 2015. New record of anchithere (Anchitherium aurelianense) in the Miocene of Eastern Siberia, Russia // Russian J. Theriol. Vol.14. No.2: 133–143 [in English].
Alexey M. Klementiev [klem-al@ya.ru], Alexander V. Sizov [alpinefox@ya.ru] Institute of the Earth Crust of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Lermontova str., 128, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia.
ABSTRACT. New material on anchithere is described from Miocene of Eastern Siberia (Tagay locality, Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal). Based on the structure of teeth and postcranial bones, the Baikalian record is referred to the widespread Eurasian species Anchitherium aurelianense. This form shows low crowned lophodont type teeth without cement. Metaloph is mostly connected with ectoloph, protoloph does not connect with ectoloph; secondary structures of the anterior wall of metaloph (crochet) are not developed or incipient. The Early Miocene age of the Siberian anchithere is inferred from the archaic skeletal morphology and comparison with European and Asian records.
KEY WORDS: Anchitherium, Miocene, Lake Baikal, Olkhon Island, Eastern Siberia.