Tikhonova E.P. 2021. On the 110th birth anniversary and the 60th death anniversary of the mammologist Anna Semyonovna Stroganova // Russian J. Theriol. Vol.20. No.2. P.215–222 [in English].
Elena P. Tikhonova [Elena.Tikhonova@zin.ru; eltikh@gmail.com], Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab., 1, Saint-Petersburg 199034, Russia.
doi: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.20.2.10
ABSTRACT. The article considers the biography of Anna Semyonovna Stroganova (Evdonina) — a specialist in the field of ecology and faunistics of mammals, Candidate of Biological Sciences, a researcher at the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (ZIN). The article provides information about the family, education at the Leningrad State University (1929–1933), work at the Leningrad Commercial-Biological Zonal Station (1932–1941), and the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1941–1961). The nature of A.S. Stroganova’s work is described to study the ecology of commercial mammals and methods for predicting the dynamics of their numbers to justify fur harvesting in the country and quotas for the permissible withdrawal of resources. The period of her life in the ZIN in the first year of the Great Patriotic War, summer evacuation to Elabuga and then to Stalinabad in 1942, work in Tajikistan and return to Leningrad, restoration work at the Institute and scientific activity in the post-war years are considered in sufficient detail. A.S. Stroganova researched the ecology of commercial mammals and devised methods for predicting the dynamics of their numbers. She also studied the faunistics of mammals in the trans-Volga region and the possibility of changes in fauna because of agricultural afforestation and irrigation. A.S. Stroganova published more than 20 research papers. Unfortunately, her life ended way too soon. She only had half a century to live and did not manage to finish many of her projects or publish all of the articles she wrote.
KEY WORDS: Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, history of zoology, Stroganova Anna Semyonovna, anniversary.