Ignatov M.S.1,2, Ishchenko Yu.S.2, KuznetsovaO.I.2, FedorovaA.V.2, Ignatova E.A.1 2024. The genus Streblotrichum (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) in Russia // Arctoa. Vol. 33: 210-225 [in English].


1 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Plant Ecology and Geography Dept., Leninskie Gory Str. 1–12, Moscow 119234 Russia; ORCID (EI): 0000-0001-6287-5660
2 – Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya Str., 4, Moscow 127276 Russia; e-mail: misha_ignatov@list.ru, ORCID (OK): 0000-0002-5513-1329; (MI): 0000-0001-6096-6315



KEYWORDS: mosses, Pottiaceae, taxonomy, new species, new records, ITS, rps4, trnL–F

ABSTRACT. The genus Streblotrichum is revisited in Russia based on morphological study and the nuclear ITS and plastid rps4 and trnL–F sequence data. It is shown that Russian specimens belong to four species. Streblotrichum convolutum and Barbula jacutica were already known in Russia; the latter is transferred to the genus Streblotrichum. Streblotrichum enderesii is newly recorded from Russia; it was revealed in collections from Urals, Altai, Yakutia, and Primorsky Territory. A new species, S. taimyrense, is described from North Siberia (Anabar Plateau) based on differences in morphology and sequence data. Descriptions, illustrations, and ecological data are provided for all species; variability of S. convolutum is discussed. Key to identification for the species of Streblotrichum occurring in Russia is presented.


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doi: 10.15298/arctoa.33.21