Ananian V.Yu.1, Tailly M.2 2013. Additions to the dragonfly (Odonata) fauna of Armenia, with new records of rare or uncommon species // Russian Entomol. J. Vol.22. No.4: 249–254 [in English].
1 179 Bashinjaghian Str., apt. 23, Yerevan 0078, Armenia. E-mail:
2 Hoonakkerdreef 35, 8791 Waregem, Belgium.
KEY WORDS: new records, novelties, rarities, distribution, Odonata, Armenia.
ABSTRACT: This review presents the results of the second phase of recent surveys of the dragonfly fauna and its distribution in Armenia, covering the period 2004–2012. Four species — Coenagrion armatum, Cordulegaster vanbrinkae, Crocothemis servilia and Selysiothemis nigra — were recorded for the first time in Armenia. Other annotated records deal with rare or uncommon species with sporadic finds in the country, and with rarities rediscovered since their last accounts half a century ago — Lestes macrostigma, Gomphus schneiderii, Onychogomphus assimilis and Libellula pontica. A few scarcely recorded commoner species are discussed as well.