Mekhanikova I.V. 2009. [Morphology of Gammarus dabanus Tachteew et Mekhanikova, 2000 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from mountain streams of the Khamar-Daban Ridge (Zabaikalye)] // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.6. No.1: 21–31 [in Russian, with English summary].
Limnological Institute SB RAS, 3, Ulan-Batorskaya, Irkutsk 664033, Russia. e-mail:
doi: 10.15298/invertzool.06.1.03
KEY WORDS: systematics, morphology, Southern Zabaikalye, Gammarus, Gammaridea, Amphipoda, Crustacea.
ABSTRACT: Morphology of a recently described species Gammarus dabanus Tachteew et Mekhanikova, 2000 inhabiting mountain streams of the Khamar-Daban Ridge (South Zabaikalye) has been analyzed in detail. Data on studies of the typical material from two habitats add some new details to the first description of the species. G. dabanus (family Gammaridae) belongs to the Gammarus pulex-group consisting of freshwater species of the genus Gammarus and characterizing by the following morphological peculiarities: the absence of dorsal carina on metasome segments and the presence of dense setation on pereiopods 3 and 4 and uropod 3. G. dabanus is similar to Gammarus turanus subnivalis Martynov, 1935 from mountain streams of Central Asia in a number of morphological characteristics and small body size. This similarity is of a convergent nature.