The Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journal Invertebrate Zoology publishes original papers, reviews, and brief communications on the morphology, anatomy, embryology, taxonomy, phylogeny, and ecology of invertebrates ranging from protists to lower chordates.


Manuscript Submission

Invertebrate Zoology accepts manuscripts in English, which will be published both online and in print. Taxonomic revisions will be published online following the release of the printed volume to prevent priority conflicts. If necessary, the editors will provide translations of the title, author names, abstract, and keywords into Russian. Additionally, information letters, anniversary articles, obituaries, etc., may be published in Russian.


English Language Editing

Authors are responsible for submitting manuscripts written in grammatically correct English of sufficient quality. An academic style should be maintained throughout all types of manuscripts. Authors are encouraged to utilize text editing services offered by professional organizations or colleagues who are native speakers. Please acknowledge their assistance in the Acknowledgements section of your manuscript.


Structure of the Manuscript


1. Title

The title should be concise and informative.

Russian-speaking authors are required to provide a translation of the title into Russian. For articles submitted by non-Russian-speaking authors, the translation will be arranged by the editorial office.


2. Authors and Affiliations 

Include the following information for each author: 

• Full names 

• Affiliations (including full department name, institution name, and complete address) 

• E-mail addresses and ORCID numbers (if available): 

Artëm Sozontov:

Kirill Mikhailov:


3. Abstract 

The abstract (up to 500 words) should be concise and factual, briefly stating the purpose of the research, principal results, and major conclusions. References should only be included if essential, and uncommon abbreviations should be avoided.

Russian-speaking authors are required to provide a translation of the abstract into Russian. For articles submitted by non-Russian-speaking authors, the translation will be arranged by the editorial office.

Please provide “How to cite this article” information using the example below:

How to cite this article: Ekimova I.A., Mikhlina A.L., Vorobyeva O.A., Antokhina T.I., Tambovtseva V.G., Schepetov D.M. 2021. Young but distinct: description of Eubranchus malakhovi sp.n. a new, recently diverged nudibranch species (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from the Sea of Japan // Invert. Zool. Vol.18. No.3. P.XXX–XXX. doi: 10.15298/invertzool.18.3.XX


4. Keywords 

Provide 4–6 keywords. Avoid abbreviations unless they are firmly established in the field.

Russian-speaking authors are required to provide a translation of the Keywords into Russian. For articles submitted by non-Russian-speaking authors, the translation will be arranged by the editorial office.


5. Introduction 

This section should present the purpose of the research and summarize previous studies on the subject, including a literature review.


6. Material and Methods 

Provide sufficient detail to allow reproduction of the work. Reference previously published methods while describing any modifications made.


7. Results 

Results should be clear and concise.


8. Discussion 

Discuss the significance of the results without repeating them or extensively citing published literature.


9. Results and Discussion 

A combined Results and Discussion section is acceptable in some cases.


10. Conclusions 

 The main conclusions may be presented separately or included in the Discussion or Results and Discussion sections.


11. Acknowledgements 

 Acknowledge individuals, grants, funds, etc., in a separate section. Funding organizations should be listed in full.

Before Acknowledgements, the following text is necessary for papers of two and more authors:

Compliance with ethical standards

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


12. References 

 The reference list should include only works cited in the text. References must be provided for all literature cited in the manuscript. Use the following formatting: 

 • (Mikhailov, 2012) 

 • (Huys, Boxshall, 1991) 

 • (Tunnicliffe et al., 1998) 

 • (Huys, Boxshall, 1991; Tunnicliffe et al., 1998) 

References to papers published in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated into English. Reference list entries must be in alphabetical order. Titles of papers published in languages with non-Latin alphabets should be translated. Names of journals or books should be transliterated (e.g., Trudy Instituta Okeanologii), with the original language indicated in square brackets at the end of the reference (e.g., [in Russian]). Please provide DOI when available (e.g., “”).


Reference Formatting Examples 

For journal articles:

Tunnicliffe V., McArthur A.G., McHugh D. 1998. A biogeographical perspective of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna // Adv. Mar. Biol. Vol.34. P.355–442.

Marusik Yu.M. 1987. [Three new species of the family Nesticidae (Aranei) from the fauna of the USSR] // Zool. Zhurn. Vol.66. No.3. P.461–463 [in Russian, with English summary].

Reference to a book:

Hoffman R.L. 1980 (for 1979). Classification of the Diplopoda. Mus. hist. nat. Geneve. 237 p.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Mironov A.N., Gebruk A.V., Moskalev L.I. 2002. Biogeography of hydrothermal vent communities and obligate hydrothermal taxa // A. Gebruk (ed.). Biology of hydrothermal systems. Moscow: KMK Sci. Press Ltd. P.410–455.

Reference to a dissertation:

Kovblyuk M.M. 2006. [Gnaphosid spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) in Crimean fauna]. [Thesis of Candidate (Ph.D.) of Biological Sci. Degree]. Kyiv: Institute of Zoology Ukrainian Acad. of Sci. 200 p. [In Ukrainian, with Russian and English summaries]

Reference to an Internet resource:

WSC. 2024. World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern. doi 10.24436/2 Online at, accessed on 10.09.2024 


13. References to Figures

When referencing figures in the text, please use the following formatting: 

• (Fig. 1) 

• (Fig. 2B) 

• (Fig. 2B–C) 

• (Figs. 6C–E; 7B).


14. Figure Captions

Figure captions should be included in the manuscript immediately following the “Literature Cited” section. Each caption must describe all elements present in the figure plates. If any material has been previously published, it must be cited accordingly within the figure caption.

Descriptions of individual images within a figure plate should be indicated using capital letters. Abbreviations and information about scale bars should be separated by semicolons, and abbreviations should be listed in alphabetical order.

Use the following format for abbreviations: 

ab — …….; 

bs — ……. (ensure to use the long dash “—”).


Scale bar information must be formatted as follows: 

Scale bar …….. mm (or Scale bars: A — ….. mm; B — ….. mm). (Ensure to use the long dash “—” by selecting «Insert – Symbol – choose the symbol – Paste»).


Example of Figure Caption Formatting 

Fig. 1. Cells of exocyst of Aploparaksis bulbocirrus at the stage of late sclerogenesis. A–B — sagittal sections; C — transversal section. 

A — muscle cells and cyton of the internal side of the exocyst; B — cells in the caudal part of the exocyst; C — cell showing signs of undifferentiated and “dark” cells in the caudal part of the exocyst. 

Abbreviations: dac — “dark cell”; dc — distal part of tegument; ger — granular endoplasmic reticulum; m — mitochondrion; mc — muscle cells; mi — microvillus; n — nucleus; nu — nucleolus. Scale bars: A — 2 µm; B, C — 2.5 µm.


Text Formatting

Manuscripts must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx). 

• Use a normal, plain font without any specific formatting (e.g., Times New Roman, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing). 

• Generic and species names must be italicized. 

• Please enable automatic page numbering for all pages.



All illustrations should be included at the end of the manuscript within the text file. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, editors may request full-size figure plates as separate TIFF files.

• The maximum size for figure plates is 13 x 17 cm. 

• Halftones and color figures must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. 

• Color illustrations should be provided in RGB (8 bits per channel). 

• All diagrams and graphs should be submitted in black-and-white (Bitmap) mode.


Supplementary Materials

Supplementary electronic materials may be submitted for publication on the journal's website after acceptance of the manuscript. All supplementary materials must be cited in the manuscript similarly to figures and tables (e.g., Suppl. file 1). A concise caption describing each supplementary file's content should also be provided.


How to Submit

Please submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) with figures embedded in the text to Prof. Elena Temereva at the following email address:

Authors are encouraged to provide names and contact details for three potential referees.


Publishing color figures

  • Online Version: Publication of color illustrations is free.
  • Printed Version: Authors will need to pay 100 EUR per article for color figures, regardless of how many figures are included.


If you have specific questions about this policy or need help with something related to it, feel free to ask!