Rasnitsyn A.P. 2015. [Epigenetic theory of evolution in short] // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.12. No.1: 103–108 [in Russian, with English summary].
Borissiak Paleontological Institute, RAS, 123 Profrsoyuznaya Str., Moscow 117997, Russia. E-mail: alex.rasnitsyn@gmail.com
doi: 10.15298/invertzool.12.1.05
ABSTRACT: Genetics predict features of the evolution process such as qualitative correspondence between (i) genotypic and phenotypic changes in an individual, (ii) genotypic and phenotypic population diversity and (iii) speed of changes in population gene pool and tempo of evolution. These predictions contradict observations, and the contradictions are resolvable based on epigenetic rather than genetic approach. Epigenetic theory deals with the relatively stable ontogenetic mechanisms and processes (creods) interconnected in an entire, holistic, evolutionary balanced system, which modification represents a non-trivial task beyond evolutionary elaborated limits (principle of the adaptive trade-off). Genetic mechanisms play important role of switches and tuners which regulate interactions of creodes: they are more labile evolutionary comparing the epigenetic system. Patterns of evolution are considered as specific results of epigenetic mechanisms.
KEY WORDS: stability of ontogenesis, adaptive trade-off, evolutionary stasis, Perm/Triassic biotic crisis.