Jirkov I.A. 2018. Redescription of Pavelius uschakovi (Annelida: Ampharetidae) // Invertebrate Zoology. Vol.15. No.4: 340–347 [in English].
Hydrobiology Department, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia. E-mail: ampharete@yandex.ru
ABSTRACT: Pavelius uschakovi Kuznetsov et Levenstein, 1988 is re-described based on type and topotype specimens. It was shown: that in contrast to the original description, the type specimens have unilobed rather than trilobed prostomia, with two nuchal organs; the prows of the uncini have buttons, tapering with a filament, which are visible under DIC only and so overlooked in the original description. Males have nephridial papillae behind the notopodia of TU1; absent in females. Comparison of the type specimens of P. uschakovi with syntypes of Sabellides elongatus Ehlers, 1913 (type species of Neosabellides Hessle, 1917) leads to the conclusion that Pavelius Kuznetsov et Levenstein, 1988 should be treated as a junior synonym of Neosabellides.
doi: 10.15298/invertzool. 15.4.03
KEY WORDS: Neosabellides, sexual dimorphism, seeps.