Sozontov A.N.1, Mikhailov K.G.2 2024. Arachnolibrary: digital library for arachnological literature // Invert. Zool. Vol.21. No.4: 526–533 [in English].

1 Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS, 8 Marta 202, Ekaterinburg 620144 Russia.

2 Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 2, Moscow 125009 Russia.

Artëm Sozontov:

Kirill Mikhailov:

doi: 10.15298/invertzool.21.4.08

ABSTRACT: This article aims to describe the process of creation and filling in the comprehensive bibliographic database of arachnological literature of the post-Soviet region along with the development of its user-friendly interface to access it online. In this article we present both, the applied principles of bibliographic compilation, and the purpose, usage and technical features of the developed application. Based on decades of bibliographic work, the database currently contains nearly 5,300 publications, 22% of which include full-text files. We assume the database to be regularly updated with missing and newly published works. The engine and the interface offer potential to expand on other regions and taxa.

KEY WORDS: Araneae, spiders, arachnology, literature search, bibliography, biodiversity informatics.

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